Separate and unequal America

Separate and unequal America

The United States is the largest economy in the world and exactly $17 trillion in annual GDP with enormous human resources of wealth creation and opportunity. Consumers not businesses or government Power the bulk of our massive economy with over 70% of the economy is dependent on consumer spending. The bottom 80% of the American workforce spends 90% of its income where as the wealthiest 1% spends only 49%. the wealth gap can close by expanding opportunities through well-paying job and small businesses as well as financial inclusion and know how

Free enterprise and capitalism can actually work for the poor and struggling classes and the least of God’s children. Lets recapture the old hope that if you work hard, go to school, and get good grades, pay your taxes and emotional dues it’ll pay off in a fair shot at the American dream

Save America cities with a vibrant and believable pathway to the middle-class the American dream. People just want an economic opportunity, and to be treated as consumers and Job creators. The main driver of freedom is knowledge about capital and knowledge about how to use it. Meaning financial literacy education, financial capability, as well as financial and economic empowerment

The federal government defines the poor in America as those that make $23,050 a year with a family of four in census report 16% of America’s population and 20% of children. Between the ages of 25 and 75 58.4% of Americans will spend at least one year under the government defined lines of poverty. $50,000 is the earning of half of American family which can be tight depending where you live so consider those making less with children and only a high school education. 76% of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and and more than 60% GDP is consumer driven

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